Design of a compact polarization beam splitter based on a deformed photonic crystal directional coup

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pscc33
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In this paper a compact polarization beam splitter based on a deformed photonic crystal directional coupler is designed and simulated. The transverse-electric (TE) guided mode and transverse-magnetic (TM) guided mode are split due to different guiding mechanisms. The effect of the shape deformation of the air holes on the coupler is studied. It discovered that the coupling strength of the coupled waveguides is strongly enhanced by introducing elliptical airholes,which reduce the device length to less than 18.5μm. A finite-difference time-domain simulation is performed to evaluate the performance of the device,and the extinction ratios for both TE and TM polarized light are higher than 20 dB. In this paper a compact polarization beam splitter based on a deformed photonic crystal directional coupler is designed and simulated. The transverse-electric (TE) guided mode and transverse-magnetic (TM) guided mode are split due to different guiding mechanisms. The effect of the shape deformation of the air holes on the coupler is studied. It discovered that the coupling strength of the coupled waveguides is strongly enhanced by introducing elliptical airholes, which reduce the device length to less than 18.5 μm. A finite-difference time-domain simulation is performed to evaluate the performance of the device, and the extinction ratios for both TE and TM polarized light are higher than 20 dB.
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【本刊讯】2007年9月2日,由《会计之友》杂志社、中南财经政法大学、山西财经大学、湖北经济学院、山西省财政税务专科学校、山西大学商务学院联合主办的“2007海峡两岸 On