玛连尼沥青混凝土拌和机的机械构造部分相对而言比较简单,而它的电控系统比较繁琐,尤其是卷扬机的电控系统。由于其工作环境恶劣,工况变化大,电控系统经常出现一些故障,严重影响整套设备的工作效率。根据现场诊断经验,现介绍几种常见故障的诊断及排除方法。 1.小车在搅
The mechanical structure of the Mariani asphalt mixer is relatively simple, and its electronic control system is more complicated, especially the electric control system of the winch. Because of its harsh working conditions, changes in conditions, electronic control systems often have some failure, a serious impact on the efficiency of the entire set of equipment. According to the on-site diagnosis experience, it is introduced several common fault diagnosis and troubleshooting. 1. The car is stirring