海地前总统让-杜瓦利埃曾在法国度过了几年幸福的流亡生活,而今他却一贫如洗,孤寂无伴,思乡心切。 38年前,杜瓦利埃家族登上了海地权力的顶峰。如今,小杜瓦利埃巴贫困到像普通的海地人一样囊空如洗的地步。他居住在法国“蓝色海岸”一座不起眼的房子里,因交不起电话费线路被断了;更没有保镖们前呼后应,因为他们对主人没完没了地拖欠工资早巳厌烦了。杜瓦利埃今年44岁,他说他惟一的憧憬是返回海地。但是,朋友们担心,他为此下得不向他们伸手募集回国的机票钱。曾是独裁者和独裁者之子的杜瓦利埃眼前的贫困同他最初几年的流亡生活截然不同。杜瓦利
Haitian ex-President Jean-Duvalier spent several years living a happy exile in France, but now he is impoverished, lonely, and homesick. Thirty years ago, the Duvalier family boarded the pinnacle of power in Haiti. Nowadays, Duvali Leba is poor enough to be as empty as an ordinary Haitian. He lives in an unobtrusive house on France’s “Blue Sea coast” because the phone bill is not available for the line to be broken, and no bodyguards are waiting before the call because they have been annoyed by their master’s endless wage arrears . Duvalier, 44, said he had the only vision of returning to Haiti. However, friends are worried that he would not extend their hand to raise tickets for returning home for this purpose. The poverty before Duvalier, once the son of a dictator and dictator, is very different from his exile in his first years. Duvali