责任与爱 在教育奉献中闪烁光华——记河南钰源教育集团董事长、总校长刘祥敏

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《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》指出,要坚持教育的公益性和普惠性,努力办好每一所学校、教好每一个学生。建国六十多年特别是改革开放三十多年来,中国的教育事业取得了巨大的发展,涌现出一大批卓有建树的教育家,熏陶出一所又一所芳名远播的名校,培养出一代又一代的莘莘学子。在全国新课程改革的浪潮中,中国的教育面临着不断发展的契机,也同样遭遇着前所未有的挑战。在此过程中,一些出类拔萃的教育工作者,以高尚的职业情操和精深的专业素养,以从容淡然和谦逊和善的人格魅力,激情和智慧并存,胆识和魄力并重,在教育改革和发展中,以新姿态、新理念和高品位,不断创新,追求卓越,引领着教育新时代。从本期开始,本刊“一线访谈”栏目将陆续推出系列专访。我们将与您一同细细品味这些教育工作者的办学理念和教育思想,去感受他们对教育事业的执著和热诚,去体味他们对幸福和快乐的诠释。 The National Medium and Long-Term Education Reform and Development Plan (2010-2020) states that we must uphold the commonweal and inclusive nature of education and strive to run every school well and teach every student. In the 60 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, especially over 30 years of reform and opening up, China’s education has made tremendous progress. A large number of well-educated educators have emerged and cultivated one after another famous universities A generation after generation of students. In the tide of nationwide new curriculum reform, education in China is facing an opportunity of continuous development as well as unprecedented challenges. In the process, some outstanding educators, with their noble professional sentiments and profound professional accomplishments, with indifferent and modest personality charisma, coexistence of passion and wisdom, courage and courage both in education reform and development, With a new attitude, new ideas and high grade, continuous innovation, the pursuit of excellence, leading a new era of education. From the beginning of this issue, the publication “first-line interview ” section will be launched series of interviews. We will work with you to savor these educational workers’ educational philosophy and educational ideas, to feel their dedication and enthusiasm for education, to appreciate their happiness and happiness of interpretation.
摘 要: 作者通过对其职业学院在校生思想状况的调查,着重分析了民办高职院校学生思想状况的特点,探讨形成原因,并提出了民办高职院校学生的优良潜质,意在引起有关方面的重视,为进一步加强和改进民办高职学生思想政治教育工作提供参考依据。  关键词: 民办高职院校 学生在校状况 优良潜质    一、问题的提出  民办高职院校是在教育大众化的浪潮中发展起来的,它的出现在符合我国发展需要的同时也缓解了高等教育资
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