
来源 :价格理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:superzergking
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丝绸名称及其编号的含义丝绸的品名,是根据织物组织与生产状况定名的。丝绸的名称一般都由二至四个单字组成,如双绉、乔其纱、素塔夫绸等(多是由三个单字组成)。丝绸名称的末一个字,大都是代表织物组织属性,如素绉缎、西湖纱、乔其绒等。这个缎,是代表平行织物类中... The meaning of the name of the silk and its number The name of the silk is named according to the organization and production of the fabric. The name of silk is generally composed of two to four words, such as Shuang, Georgette, and Sufacts (mostly consisting of three words). The last word of the name of the silk is mostly representative of the properties of the fabrics, such as the plain welt satin, the West Lake yarn, and Qiaoqi cashmere. This satin is representative of parallel fabrics in the class...
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Zeng Yike(曾轶可) is from Hanshou County(汉寿县),Hunan Province.She is now an Englishmajor(英语专业学生) in Jilin Huaqiao Foreign LanguagesInstitute(吉林华桥外
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印尼进口工程机械需要进口许可证 目前,印尼除了94种战略性的物资外,其它商品进口都无需许可证。有些商品政府指定进口商垄断经营。其中有些有独家垄断,有的是几家垄断。在机
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