无锡县化工机械(洗选设备)厂设计、制造的过滤面积为40m~2的XMZG—40/800型精煤压滤机,自1994年9月在徐州矿务局庞庄煤矿东城选煤厂正式投入工业性试验后,取得了明显的工艺效果,并于1995年3月通过了江苏省科委主持的技术鉴定。 试验表明,该机对降低浮选精煤产品水分有良好的工艺效果。在入料浓度为17%左右,-0.074mm粒级占90%以上,灰分为10.5%,入
XMZG-40/800 clean coal filter press with a filter area of 40m ~ 2 was designed and manufactured by Wuxi Chemical Machinery (Washing Equipment). Since September 1994, it has been operating at Dongcheng Coal Preparation Plant of Pangzhuang Coal Mine in Xuzhou Mining Bureau Officially put into industrial tests, and achieved significant technological results, and in March 1995 adopted by the Jiangsu Provincial Science and Technology Commission presided over the technical appraisal. Tests show that the aircraft to reduce the flotation of coal products have a good water treatment process results. In the feed concentration of about 17%, -0.074mm fraction accounted for more than 90%, ash was 10.5%, into