第一章 总则 第一条 消防器材设备,是预防和扑救火灾、保护经济建设、保卫人民生命财产安全的重要特殊工业产品。为切实加强我县消防器材设备管理,确保产品质量可靠,配置科学,使用维修方便,促进我县消防事业协调有序发展。根据《中华人民共和国消防条例》及湘政办发(1996)23号《关于加强我省城市公共消防基础没施建设的意见》等有关法规文件,特制定本规定。
Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 Fire equipment and equipment are important special industrial products for preventing and fighting fires, protecting economic construction and safeguarding people’s lives and property. In order to effectively strengthen the fire equipment management in our county to ensure reliable product quality, scientific configuration, easy use and maintenance, and promote the coordinated and orderly development of fire prevention in our county. According to the “Fire Regulations of the People’s Republic of China” and Xiangzheng Ban (1996) No. 23 “on strengthening the city’s public firefighting infrastructure construction advice” and other relevant laws and regulations documents, specially formulated this provision.