惯性聚变能源是公认的安全、无碳、可持续发展的洁净能源。简要介绍了欧洲高功率激光能源研究(Hi PER)项目激光驱动器的基准设计,然后从放大器的构型、热管理技术和放大的自发辐射抑制技术、激光系统的光束结构等方面重点讲述了满足Hi PER项目的两种千焦耳级激光链路方案。最后介绍了Hi PER项目实现商用激光聚变能源电站的发展规划。
Inertial fusion energy is recognized as safe, carbon-free and sustainable clean energy. This paper briefly introduces the benchmark design of the laser driver for the Hi PER project in Europe and then focuses on the design of the laser driver that satisfies the requirements of Hi, such as the Hi configuration, the thermal management and amplified spontaneous emission suppression, the beam structure of the laser system, PER project two kilojoules laser link scheme. Finally, it introduces the development plan of Hi PER project to realize commercial laser fusion power station.