天然气管线的安全服役对国民生产和生活意义重大。近年来,随着对含高浓度CO2、H2S等强腐蚀性介质酸性气田的大量开发,输送压力和流速不断提高,通过采用传统脱硫、脱CO2、缓蚀剂等技术在实际应用中效果有限,导致天然气管线的腐蚀失效情况仍比较严重,尤其是三通、法兰、焊缝等特殊位置。本文通过阐述CO2-H2S酸性气田冲刷腐蚀的特征和影响因素,总结了含CO2-H2S酸性气田中冲刷腐蚀的研究进展,指出研究天然气高速冲刷与薄液电化学相互作用和腐蚀发生机理对预防天然气管线钢的冲刷腐蚀有较重要的意义。“,”The security of the gas pipeline in service is of great signiifcance to the national production and life. With the development of the sour gas ifeld, containing high concentration of CO2, H2S and other strong corrosive medium, the gas pipeline, especially the tees, elbows, weld joints and other special parts, has occurred serious corrosion and failure due to the continuous improvement of the transport pressure and lfow rate, and the limited effects by adopting the traditional desulfurization, decarbonization, inhibitor and other technicals. This paper describes the erosion-corrosion characteristics and the inlfuencing factors in CO2-H2S sour gas ifeld; meanwhile, summarizes the research progress of the erosion-corrosion in CO2-H2S sour gas field, and the interaction effects and the corrosion mechanism of the high speed scouring and the thin liquid electrochemical is quite important to prevent the erosion-corrosion of gas pipeline steel is ifnally proposed.