一、Palatinose——经挫折后发展很快由三井糖公司开发的具有不龋齿性能的Palatinose 甜味剂在日本的使用发展很快,但该产品去年经历了一些挫折。1991年初,由日本消费者信息中心(JCIC)组织的商品质量检测结果被误解,产生了对Palatinose 防龋齿性质的怀疑。该中心的检测结果证实 Palatinose 的防龋齿性质是出色的,甚至与糖混合也有防龋齿效果。中心建议 Pal-atinose 是一种适用于点心及类似食品的产品。
I. Palatinose—Fast development after setbacks The use of Palatinose sweeteners developed by Mitsui Sugar Corporation with non-carious properties has developed rapidly in Japan, but the product experienced some setbacks last year. In early 1991, the product quality test results organized by the Japan Consumer Information Center (JCIC) were misunderstood, raising doubts about the nature of Palatinose’s caries prevention. The test results of the center confirmed that Palatinose’s anti-caries properties are excellent, and even mixed with sugar also has anti-caries effects. The Center recommends that Pal-atinose is a product suitable for snacks and similar foods.