我国清障车种类繁多,清障车市场前景广阔。本文对清障车的分类、用途、性能进行了详细的介绍,并对其市场发展前景进行了判断与分析。1 我国清障车概况汽车在道路上行驶时,故障和事故是不可避免的,特别是在高等级公路上,这种现象时常发生。随着高等级公路里程和汽车保有量的增多,道路清障车也得到了发展。道路清障车又称托车,是指装有道路抢险作业装备的专用汽车。它具有起吊、拽拉和托举牵引等多项功能,适用于各种公路、城市道路的清障作业。
There are many kinds of Wrecker trucks in our country, and the Wrecker truck market has a bright future. This article has carried on the detailed introduction to the classification, the use, the performance of the wrecker truck, and has carried on the judgment and the analysis to its market development prospect. 1 Overview of Wrecker Vehicles in China When vehicles are driving on the road, faults and accidents are inevitable, especially on high-grade highways. This phenomenon often occurs. Wrecker trucks have also been developed as high-grade highway mileage and car ownership increase. Road wrecker, also known as the car, is equipped with road rescue operations equipment for special vehicles. It has lifting, pulling and lifting traction and many other features for all kinds of roads, urban road cleansing operations.