In 2005, Energy Saving and Landscaping was the most influential slogan in China’s real estate industry. China S & T Real Estate Alliance, which focuses on building energy efficiency and holds high the banner of “S & T Real Estate Leading Industry Progress”, has been moving forward in this direction. From July this year, China Science and Technology Real Estate Alliance was formally established up to now, in less than six months, a series of activities have been launched alliance, is intense and methodical manner. In October, China Science & Technology Real Estate Alliance arrived in the sales office of Yi County and started the visit to the Union Salon. The Alliance Research Alliance member Beijing Urban Development Co., Ltd. opened the chapter of interaction between the Union and its members. In November, Developed on the first MOMA sales office, held a “construction, living, culture and technology real estate forum” activities, China Science and Technology Real Estate Alliance Forum series will be the beginning of the trip ...