通常采用的运输方法有湿运和干运两种方法。 蟹苗箱为帆布筒做成的100×100×100cm的立体结构,将帆布筒固定在110×110×110的框架内,框架以牢固结实的铁框架为好。下面对两种运输方法做一介绍。 湿运法: 运苗前,将无毒塑料布一头扎紧,做成1米高的口袋,涮净后内装1/3的育苗用水,置于装有少量海水的帆布筒内(起缓冲作用),准备工作完毕,就可以到育苗池中称量计数蟹苗,每袋可装大眼幼体3万只左右,稚蟹1万只左右,然后充入氧气,扎紧塑料袋口;也可用氧气瓶充氧,这样可长距离运输达10小时。此法对大眼幼体和稚蟹运输都较理想。
Commonly used methods of transport are wet and dry two ways. Crab box for the canvas made of 100 × 100 × 100cm three-dimensional structure, the canvas tube fixed in 110 × 110 × 110 frame, the frame to a strong and solid iron frame as well. The following two transport methods to do an introduction. Wet method: before transplanting, non-toxic plastic sheeting will be tightened, made of 1-meter-high pockets, shampoo built-in 1/3 of seedling water, placed in a small amount of water with a canvas tube (from the buffer ), Ready to work is completed, you can go to the nursery pond weighing crabs, each bag can be packed with 30,000 or so large larvae, juvenile crabs around 10,000, and then filled with oxygen, tighten the plastic bag mouth; also available Oxygen bottles oxygenated, so long transport for up to 10 hours. This method of large larvae and larvae are more ideal for transport.