新春岁首,有感于世界发生的惨剧和战争,我曾写了七古一首:“梦里飞天探西极,异域城郭已丘墟。猰(犭俞)磨牙当空舞,大地刀枪尽林立。” 小诗刚写罢,恰值《中国民兵》杂志约我写篇《卷首语》,于是就将它作为引子,把我想说的话倾倒出来,奉献给读者。 ——“梦里飞天探西极”,“探”的结果如何?结果是炮声隆隆,世界并不太平;“风景这边独好”的中国,务须居安思危。“但使龙城飞将在,不教胡马度阴山”——万万松懈不得。居安思危,不可松懈,自然是要做好军事斗争的准备。而题中应有之义,就是一定要把民兵、预备役工作摆到战略位置,加快民兵、预备役部队现代化建设进程,打牢
The beginning of the new year, felt the tragedies and wars that took place in the world, I have written seven ancient and one: “dream fly to explore the West, exotic city has Qiu Hui. ”Just wrote a small poem, just as the Chinese militia magazine about me writing“ wrapper ”, so I will use it as a primer, I want to say out, dedicated to readers. - “Dream flying to explore the West,” “exploration” of the results? The result is the guns rumble, the world is not peaceful; “scenery here is good” in China, be sure to be on guard. “But to make Longcheng fly in, do not teach Humaduo Yinshan” - absolutely slack. It is natural to prepare for a military struggle in a down-to-earth manner in peace time. The proper meaning of the title lies in the fact that the militia and reserve work must be strategically placed in place to speed up the process of modernization of the militia and reserve forces,