美国钛金属公司 (Timet)于 2 0 0 3年 4月 4日宣布 ,该公司被美国国防先进研究项目计划局 (DARPA )确认 ,获得政府下 4年度的基金约 12 3 0万美元 ,执行一项实现“FFC坎布里奇制钛技术”产业化的计划。“FFC坎布里奇制钛技术”被认为是钛提取冶金的一种潜在突破技术。Timet公司
American Timet announced on April 4, 2003 that it was confirmed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) that it received about $ 12.3 million from the government for the next four years, Item to achieve “FFC Cambridge technology Cambium” industrialization plan. “FFC Cambridge Bridgman Technology” is considered as a potential breakthrough technology for titanium extraction metallurgy. Timet company