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经济常识部分(一)商品和商品经济[考点提示]主要有商品的两个基本属性及其关系,劳动生产率及其与商品价值量的关系,货币的两个基本职能,商品价格的决定因素和影响因素,流通中所需货币量的决定因素,通货膨胀与通货紧缩,价值规律的内容、表现形式和作用等.其中,尤以商品的基本属性及其两者关系、商品生产者为什么要竞相提高自己的劳动生产率、有关价值规律的知识(价值规律的内容、表现形式和作用)出现频率最高,今年要特别重视。 Economic common sense part (1) Commodity and commodity economy [tips of the test center] There are mainly two basic attributes of goods and their relations, labor productivity and its relationship with the value of commodities, the two basic functions of money, the determinants and influence of commodity prices. Factors, the determinants of the amount of money required in circulation, inflation and deflation, the content, manifestation, and role of the law of value. Among them, the basic attributes of goods, and the relationship between them, why commodity producers must compete to improve Their own labor productivity and knowledge of the law of value (the content, manifestation, and role of the law of value) have the highest frequency. This year they must pay special attention.
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本文分析以“方程”为背景的阅读理解型中考试题,供同学们参考.1.考查纠错能力例1 已知关于 x 的方程(k-1)x~2+(2k-3)x+k+1=0有两个不相等的实数根 x_1,x_2.(1)求 k 的取值
恰当地选择中间量,使它跟已知量和所求量都相联系,用它来搭桥牵线,可将问题简单化如图1所示,将容器内装入水后,放入水平桌面上,容器底部受到的压力为F,桌面受到的压力为 Th
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