机关改革显生机 竞争上岗激活力——中国科学院成都分院机构改革初见成效

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成都分院机关机构改革注重从思想认识到位、改革力度到位、配套措施到位、思想工作到位四个方面下功夫,在“三讲”教育工作的促进下,积极稳步推进,于1999年12月顺利完成并取得初步成效:分院职能机构由原来的14个减为5个,职能部门人数和处级干部职数分别由原来的70人、23人减为33人、11人;新的机构、新的运行机制、新的管理模式启动以后,机构和人员虽然减少了,但其领导、管理和服务职能得到强化,机关工作人员精神面貌焕然一新,经常可以看到下班时间已过而许多人仍在专心致志伏案工作的情景,机关各项工作呈现出井然有序的崭新局面。他们的主要做法是:一、思想认识到位,准备工作充分。要搞好分院改革,首先必须把广大干部职工的思想统一到中央关于深化科技体制改革的精神和院关于分院改革的要求上来。分院党组在认清形势、统~认识的基础上,着重从三方面抓好改革的前期准备工作:一是抓中层干部和全体职工的观念转变。分院先后多次组织召开中层干部会和机关职工大会,反复进行宣传动员,从全国的改革形势、科研单位面临的机遇和挑战阐明机构改革的重要性;结合实施知识创新工程和深化科技体制改革的要求强调机构改革的紧迫性;联系院赋予分院的职能、院属成都地区各单位对分院工作的客观需求,深入分析分院目前的机构、人员及工作不适应的现状,讲清机构改革的必要性。使大家充分认识到分院改革是形势发展的必然,从而变被动为主动,思想认识上由“要我改”转变为“我要改”。二是明确分院 The institutional reform in Chengdu Branch paid great attention to four aspects of ideological recognition, reform efforts, supporting measures in place and ideological work in place. With the promotion of the “three stresses” education work, Chengdu Branch actively and steadily progressed. In December 1999 The initial success was achieved: the functional departments of the branch were reduced from 14 to 5, the number of functional departments and the number of departmental level cadres were reduced from 70 to 23 respectively to 33 and 11; the new institutions, New operating mechanism and new management mode have been started. Although the number of institutions and personnel has been reduced, the leadership, management and service functions have been strengthened. The staff of the department have taken a fresh look. It is common to see that after-get off work hours have passed and many people are still living Concentrate on the work of the scene, the work of the organs showed a well-organized new situation. Their main approach is: First, thinking in place, fully prepared. To do a good job of the reform of the branches and departments, we must first unify the thinking of the vast numbers of cadres and workers with the spirit of the central authorities on deepening the reform of the scientific and technological system and the requirements of the branch on the reform of the branches and departments. On the basis of a clear understanding of the situation and the realization of unified understanding, the sub-party and party groups focus on the preparatory work for the reform from three aspects: First, we must shift the concept of middle-level cadres and all employees. The branch has organized the middle-level cadres 'meeting and the workers' assembly meeting on many occasions, repeated propaganda and mobilization, clarified the importance of institutional reform from the situation of the reform in the whole country, the opportunities and challenges confronting the scientific research units, and combined with the implementation of knowledge innovation project and deepening the reform of the scientific and technological system The emphasis is placed on the urgency of the institutional reform. The functions assigned to the branches by the affiliated institute are the objective needs of all the units in the Chengdu branch. The current status of institutions, personnel and work incompatibility is clarified and the necessity of institutional reforms clarified . So that everyone fully understands that the reform of the branches and subways is an inevitable development of the situation and thus changes from being passive and active to thinking and changing from “wanting to reform ” to “I want to change ”. The second is a clear branch
新《保险法》即将实施 ,学习它 ,适用它 ,对规范保险市场建设有着重要意义。新《保险法》主要特点是加强市场监管 ,保护被保险人的利益 ,同国际保险市场接轨 ,适用新法的规范