随着改制工作的不断深化,思想政治工作的改进与创新比以往任何时候都更加重要,更加迫切。本文就企业改制中思想政治工作创新问题略谈浅见,以求共识。 一、思想政治工作创新的 基本前提 企业改制中思想政治工作改进与创新最重要的前提是从事思想政治工作人员的观念必须更新。为此,我们坚持破除“四种心理”,强化“四种意识”。 1.破除墨守陈规心理,强化开拓进取意识。改制前,部分思想政治
With the continuous deepening of restructuring work, the improvement and innovation in ideological and political work are more important and urgent than ever. This article on the reform of ideological and political work in the enterprise innovation a little humble opinion, in order to seek consensus. First, the basic premise of the ideological and political work innovation Ideological and political work in the restructuring of enterprises to improve and innovate the most important precondition is that the concept of personnel engaged in ideological and political work must be updated. To this end, we have consistently broken the “four psychologies” and strengthened the “four kinds of consciousness.” 1. Break the stereotypes, strengthen the pioneering spirit. Before the reform, part of the ideological and political