在毛主席革命路线的指引下,我厂遵照毛主席关于大打矿山之仗,发展钢铁事业的伟大教导,承担了12500千伏安铁合金电炉的生产任务。这种电炉的有色金属焊接量很大,在短网部分铜补偿器的堆焊和厚20毫米紫铜板的焊接,是电炉生产的关键之一。现将试验与生产情况介绍如下:焊接方法和焊接设备选择为了适应紫铜导热率高、热容量大的特点,选用了埋弧自动焊方法,采用 T2紫铜丝作焊丝,焊剂为260低锰焊剂。电源为
Under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line, our factory abided by Chairman Mao’s great teaching on fighting the mines and developing the cause of steel undertaking the task of producing a 12,500-kVA ferroalloy electric furnace. This furnace has a large amount of non-ferrous metal welding, welding in the short part of the copper compensator and 20 mm thick copper plate welding is one of the key furnace production. Test and production are introduced below: Welding method and welding equipment selection In order to meet the copper thermal conductivity, high heat capacity characteristics, the choice of submerged arc welding method, the use of T2 wire for wire, flux 260 low-manganese flux. Power is