192 4年 4月 12日至 5月 3 0日 ,亚洲第一位诺贝尔文学奖获得者泰戈尔访华 ,在此前后 ,中国文坛掀起了一股“泰戈尔热”。 5月 8日 ,新月社为祝贺泰戈尔 64岁生日在协和学校礼堂演出英语剧《齐德拉》 ,鲁迅前往观看 ,与泰戈尔有过一面之交。这两位相差2 0岁的毗邻之邦的文豪不
From April 12 to May 30, 2004, Tagore, China’s first Nobel Prize laureate for literature, paid a visit to China. Before and after that, there was a “Tagore fever” in the Chinese literary world. On the 8th of May, the Crescent Society gave congratulations on Tagore’s 64th birthday to perform the English drama “Chindera” at the Kyiv School Auditorium. Lu Xun went to watch and had one off with Tagore. The difference between the two 20-year-old writer no