15Mn26A14钢含有C 0.13~0.19%,Mn24~27%,A13.3~4.7%,Si≤0.6%,P≤0.03%,S≤0.035,是一种稳定的奥氏体组织的钢,在深冷温度下(-196℃,-253℃)不发生ε或α马氏体相变,有很高的韧性,其冲击值达到25~30kg-m/cm~2。由于我国铬镍资源比较稀缺,在深冷设备上很多单位已经采用15Mn26Al4钢代替1Cr18Ni9Ti钢既减少了成本又达到了设计的要求。例如七二年大连光明化工研究所用15Mn26Al4钢的冷轧薄板
15Mn26A14 steel contains C 0.13 ~ 0.19%, Mn 24 ~ 27%, A13.3 ~ 4.7%, Si ≤ 0.6%, P ≤ 0.03%, S ≤ 0.035, is a stable austenitic steel, The temperature (-196 ℃, -253 ℃) does not occur ε or α martensitic transformation, high toughness, the impact value reached 25 ~ 30kg-m / cm ~ 2. Due to the scarcity of chromium-nickel resources in our country, many units in the cryogenic equipment have adopted 15Mn26Al4 steel instead of 1Cr18Ni9Ti steel to reduce the cost and meet the design requirements. For example, two or two Dalian Chemical Research Institute of Light 15Mn26Al4 steel cold-rolled sheet