第二届中博会于9月15日落下帷幕。据统计,本届中博会共签订意向、协议22000个,比首届中博会13600个增加了8400个,总签约金额426亿元,比首届中博会320亿元增加了106亿元, 其中合同签约195亿元,意向协议231 亿元,场内交易174.1亿元,场外交易 251.9亿元;展会期间共有19.8万人次到场参观、洽谈和采购,比首届中博会11.8万人次增加8万人次,其中国内采购商10.8万人次,国外采购商3.2 万人次,国外采购商比首届中博会 5600人次增加2.6万人次。中法经贸
The second Expo Central China came to an end on September 15. According to statistics, at this Expo, a total of 22,000 intentions and agreements were signed, an increase of 8,400 compared with the first 1300 China Expo with a total contract value of 42.6 billion yuan, an increase of 10.6 billion yuan over the first 32 billion yuan of the China International Exhibition, of which contract signing 195 With an agreement of 231 million yuan, 17.41 billion yuan of intra-market transactions and 25.19 billion yuan of over-the-counter transactions. During the exhibition, a total of 198,000 people attended the exhibition, negotiated and purchased goods, an increase of 80,000 from the first China International Exhibition of 118,000 visitors, 108,000 buyers, 32,000 foreign buyers, and 26,000 more foreign buyers than 5,600 in the first China International Exhibition. Sino - French Economy and Trade