
来源 :中华劳动卫生职业病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaonulio
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目的 探索单剂或混配有机磷农药中毒后血中残余有机磷水平的有效监测及清除的新方法。方法  (1 )将染毒大鼠全血与健康大鼠全血等体积混匀后测定全血胆碱酯酶 (ChE)活力 (简称“混血法”) ,以正常大鼠全血ChE活力受抑制程度反映大鼠血中残余有机磷水平 ;(2 )给染毒大鼠经腹腔注射 5 % (质量分数 )NaHCO3液 ,监测血中残余有机磷水平 ,以观察NaHCO3液清除血中残余有机磷的效果。结果  (1 )气相色谱法检测染毒大鼠血中残余有机磷水平与“混血法”的监测结果基本相符 ,均与染毒前的差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 5)。 (2 ) 1 0只染毒大鼠经 5 %NaHCO3液治疗后 ,中毒表现、全血ChE活力、脑ChE活力、血中残余有机磷水平等监测结果差异均无显著性 (P >0 .0 5) ;但肺组织病理观察显示 ,用NaHCO3液治疗的染毒组大鼠比未用NaHCO3液治疗的染毒大鼠的肺间质炎症及水肿明显减轻。结论  (1 )以全血ChE活力测定为基础的“混血法” ,在中毒剂量范围内可较好地反映血中残余有机磷的粗略水平 ;(2 )单用NaHCO3液治疗混配或单剂有机磷农药中毒 ,难以满意地清除血中残余有机磷 ,但似可改善有机磷引起的肺脏病理改变 Objective To explore a new method for the effective monitoring and elimination of residual organophosphorus in blood after a single dose or mixed with organophosphorus pesticide poisoning. Methods (1) Whole blood choline esterase (ChE) activity (referred to as “hybrid method”) was determined by homogenizing the whole blood of healthy rats and the whole blood of healthy rats. ChE activity of whole blood in normal rats (2) The exposed rats were intraperitoneally injected with 5% (mass fraction) NaHCO3 liquid to monitor the residual organic phosphorus in the blood to observe the residual organic phosphorus Effect. Results (1) The residual organic phosphorus in blood of rats exposed to gas chromatography was basically consistent with the monitoring result of “mixed method”, and there was a significant difference (P <0.05) before treatment. (2) There was no significant difference in monitoring results of poisoning, whole blood ChE activity, brain ChE activity and residual organophosphorus level in 10 rats exposed to 5% NaHCO3 solution (P> 0.05) 5). However, the pathological observation of lung tissue showed that the interstitial inflammation and edema of the exposed rats treated with NaHCO3 solution were significantly lower than that of the untreated rats treated with NaHCO3 solution. Conclusions (1) The “hybrid method” based on the determination of ChE activity in whole blood can reflect the rough level of residual organophosphorus in the blood in the range of toxic dose; (2) Organophosphorus pesticide poisoning, it is difficult to satisfactorily remove the residual organic phosphorus in the blood, but may like to improve the pathological changes of lung caused by organic phosphorus
以黄淮冬麦区种植面积较大的普通小麦半冬性品种温麦 6号 (穗数型 )、徐州 2 5 (中间型 )为试验材料 ,采用不同措施于拔节前形成群体规模和特征有较大差异且有代表性的大、中
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日本黄脊蝗在商洛市 1年发生 1代 ,以成虫在农田及地边、路边较厚的草叶之下越冬 ,翌年 4~ 6月为越冬代成虫活动、交配、产卵繁殖时期 ,7月上旬至 9月下旬为蝗蝻生长发育期 ,9
在群体水培条件下 ,选用包括常规籼稻、常规粳稻、广亲和品种、三系杂交籼稻、杂交粳稻、两系法杂交稻在内的 92个水稻品种 (组合 ) ,研究不同类型水稻品种间每株不定根数、