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  编者按:亚洲开发银行(Asian Development Bank)是一个多边发展金融机构,由61个成员组成,其中43个来自亚太地区,17个来自世界其它地区,致力于在亚太地区减少贫困。中国和亚行是发展中的合作伙伴,亚行在中国的业务战略重点是提高经济效率,加强环境保护和自然资源管理,促进经济增长。为了让中国各地、各开发区和各企业进一步了解亚行、拓展与亚行的投资与经济合作关系,本刊特约记者于8月26日采访了亚洲开发银行驻中国首席代表布鲁斯·莫利先生(Mr.BruceMurray)。莫利先生关于亚行向中国提供贷款、技术援助及投资的情况和计划,特别是关于如何能申请到亚行贷款、投资和技术援助的谈话内容对读者将会有很好的参考价值。下面是这次的采访记要点:
  Asian Development Bank: Facilitating Development in China
  By lindda Liu Ying
  Editor‘s note: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is a multilateral financial institution composed of 61 members, of which 43 come from the Asia-Pacific region and 17 from other regions of the world. ADB aims to reduce poverty in the Asia-Pacific region. In China, ADB‘s priority is to enhance productivity, strengthen environmental protection, improve administration over natural resources and promote economic development. To allow Chinese people, enterprises and institutions to know ADB better and promote cooperative relations between China and ABD, our reporter Liu Ying interviewed Mr. Bruce Murray, ADB‘s chief representative in China. Excerpts of the interview are as follows:
  ADB Priorities in China
  Question: What are the objective, task and long-term strategy of ADB? What are the priorities of ADB in the future?
  Answer: ADB‘s objective is to eliminate poverty in the Asia-Pacific region. It is its task to help developing-country members, especially the 900 million people living on less than US$1 a day, shake off poverty, improve living conditions and raise the quality of life. ADB‘s long-term strategic goals include sustainable economic development and all-round social development.
  ADB‘s priorities in China are guided by priorities of the country‘s Tenth Five-year Plan covering 2001-2005. These are as follows: to reduce poverty, especially the number of poverty-stricken people in inland areas; to establish a legal framework for a market economy; to strengthen environmental protection and natural resources administration; to speed up investment in construction and development of infrastructure facilities; and to guide the flow of domestic funds and promote the inflow of international capital.
  Q: How much has ADB invested in the Chinese mainland? Where is it concentrated?
  A: China is a principal member of ADB. It is ADB‘s third biggest shareholder, after Japan and the United States. From 1986 when China joined ADB to the end of 2001, ADB completed 88 public loan projects in China involving a combined sum of US$11.3 billion. In the same period, ADB provided US$200 million worth of free technical aid to China for 368 projects. Since the mid-1990s, ADB has provided China with US$1-1.3 billion in loans annually; and free technical aid to China averages US$12-15 million a year. In addition, ADB has directly provided China‘s private sector with about US$300 million worth of loans and equity investments.
  In my view, poverty cannot be eliminated unless there is good infrastructure. That is why ADB‘s investment in transport and telecom accounts for 50% of its total in China. In the transport sector, our money goes mainly to road and rail projects. With ADB investment, more than 4,500 km of freeways and more than 3,000 highways have been constructed in Shanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan and Shaanxi. A railway connecting Taiyuan and Xi‘an is under construction with ADB investment.
  ADB investment in energy accounts for 7% of the total. In rural and poverty-stricken areas, prices for electricity are higher than in cities. ADB considers it necessary to reduce the cost for electricity in rural areas and it is ready to work to achieve this goal.
  In the area of environmental protection, our projects in Beijing, Taiyuan and Xi‘an have effectively reduced air pollution there. We have participated in a program to clean up the Suzhou Creek in Shanghai. ADB will also provide loans to treat wastewater flowing into the Haihe River. We have realized that soil erosion and desertification in northwest China are a major cause for poverty there. ADB is engaged in an active dialogue with the Chinese government to find a solution.
  Q: We have noticed that ADB places emphasis on three areas: development of the private sector, regional cooperation and sustainable development. What are the specifics? How does ADB look at the development of private businesses in China?
  A: We have conducted market research. Forty percent of private businesses surveyed say their development faces restriction in three aspects: First, lack of a fair competitive mechanism. This is reflected mainly in excess government interference, local protectionism and different taxation policies. Manifestations are a prevalence of counterfeit products, the difficulty of obtaining permits and licenses owing to local protectionism, and unlawful charges. Second, there is a shortage of infrastructure such as highways, power supply and water supply. And third, there is a lack of channels to raise funds.
  In China, private businesses merit great attention from the government. Every year private businesses provide 11 million job opportunities. Private businesses can absorb large numbers of job-seekers; they provide jobs to workers laid off by state-owned enterprises; and they create job opportunities for surplus rural labor. The Chinese government is easing restrictions on urban residence registration, which is conducive to shift of rural laborers to non-farming undertakings.
  The National People‘s Congress is examining a medium-sized and small enterprises law, which, when enacted, will be very favorable to China‘s private businesses. With the law in force, private businesses will have better access to information about government policies, the market, the latest technologies and the capital market. Armed with information, they can better seize business opportunities, enhance the efficiency of their operations by adopting the latest technologies and obtain loans more easily.
  How to Apply for ADB Loans
  Q: How do you extend loans under ADB‘s commercial loan principles?
  A: Private businesses have developed rapidly in China. But they still have a long way to go. ADB‘s Liberty New World China Enterprises Investments Limited Partnership is an overseas mutual fund, whose priority is to provide funding for private businesses in China. The fund‘s annual maximum loans stand at US$150 million. The fund‘s investment strategies are: First, it invests in businesses that have development potential but face a shortage of fund. Second, it seeks to increase the value of businesses by improving their management, financial management in particular. And third, it helps successful businesses and successful investment strategies to expand to other areas so that more job and market opportunities are created.
  ADB invests mainly in big infrastructure projects. But its loans for businesses are primarily extended to the manufacturing sector.
  Q: How do China‘s local governments and private sector apply for ADB loans and technical aid?
  A: The Finance Ministry is ADB‘s window on China. The ministry is responsible for coordinating ADB‘s activities in China. If a department or an organization wants to apply for ADB technical aid and loan, they can do so through the finance departments of the governments of provinces, autonomous regions and centrally administered municipalities where they are based. The finance departments will forward applications to ADB‘s representative office via the Finance Ministry.
  For a loan application to be considered seriously, approval of the State Development Planning Commission is important. Generally speaking, before ADB conducts investigations on a loan project, the applicant should have prior approval from the SDPC.
  For investment in the private sector, ADB shall take all commercial risks. No government approval is needed for projects involving less than US$30 million each. For bigger projects, endorsement from the SDPC is needed.
  ADB Supports "Developing West China" Strategy
  Q: ADB pays great attention to development in poverty-stricken areas in west China. Will ADB increase its investment there?
  A: ADB strongly supports the "developing west China" strategy. We have provided support in four areas: First, we have strengthened support for cooperation between China‘s frontier regions with foreign countries. For example, we have supported trade between the province of Yunnan with Laos, Vietnam and Myanmar and invested in the construction of a road connecting Kunming with Thailand. We have helped with road construction not only in China but also in Laos. We believe a good road is very important for the two countries in their effort to expand bilateral trade. ADB has also helped build a customhouse to facilitate cross-border trade between the two countries.
  Second, ADB promotes dialogues between the governments of China and neighboring countries. A high-level meeting of Chinese and Laotian officials is held every year to promote trade and economic cooperation between the two countries. In Xinjiang we have promoted cooperation with central Asian countries. Such cooperation is at an initial stage, but dialogues between governments have been established, and central Asian countries have begun simplifying custom clearance procedures and launched transport and energy projects. Project execution is going to take a long time, however. The Chinese government has been very active in this regard, but the central Asian countries have slowed down their pace owing to a shortage of funds. We have also studied the possibility of cooperation between Inner Mongolia and Mongolia. Work has started this year on the control of soil erosion and sandstorms. One third of all sandstorms originate in the Gobi desert in Mongolia. In the promotion of regional cooperation, the Chinese government has given generous support. To eliminate poverty, ADB will invest heavily in infrastructure facilities in west China, including west-to-east energy transmission and railway construction.
  Third, ADB provides support for projects dealing with soil erosion and desertification in Xinjiang, Qinghai, Shanxi, Gansu and Inner Mongolia. We expect no sandstorms to hit Beijing during the Olympic Games in 2008. And fourth, ADB is helping west China with human resources development. China has a well-developed primary education but there is not enough senior middle school, vocational and college education. ADB is willing to help west China develop education through distance education. In the next few years, ADB will provide China‘s education sector with medium-sized and small loans.
  How ADB Looks at Economic Growth in China
  Q: How does ADB view China‘s economic growth?
  A: The Chinese economy has maintained a strong growth momentum when global economic development has slowed down. In 2001, the country‘s GDP grew by 7.3%. But part of China‘s industries and service sector did not perform too well, and its agriculture grew at a slow pace. Growth of the Chinese economy picked up in the first half of 2002 to reach 7.8%. According to a forecast, GDP growth for the whole of 2002 will reach 7.4%.
  Strong public investment and increased foreign direct investment have led to a sharp increase in total capital spending in China. A salary hike for the civil service has brought about a double-digit growth in consumer spending. A strong economic growth and WTO entry have made China an ideal destination for international investment money. Contractual and actually-used foreign investment have both increased by big margins, and this has to a large extent offset the negative impact of slowing down exports on the economy. In fact, investment has grown markedly in west China, too.
  Propelled by largely domestic factors, the Chinese economy in the next three years will continue to grow at a fast pace. China‘s WTO entry and Beijing‘s win to host the 2008 Olympiad will further stimulate investment and economic growth. A study shows that long-term benefit China will gain from its WTO membership will be equivalent to 1% of its GDP. And there will be huge capital spending on Olympiad-related facilities. It is predicted that during 2002-2004, the Chinese economy will grow at an annual rate of 7.4-7.5%, while inflation is kept at the range of 0.5-1.8%.
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入世后,国家级开发区税务机关面临何种挑战?开发区税务机关是怎样以“三个代表"的重要思想为指导,结合实际开展工作的?日前我们专访了北京经济技术开发区(以下简称“开发区”)国税分局,即北京市国家税务局开发区分局局长杜桂屏女士。  座落于北京开发区内的国税分局始建于1994年,1995年1月1日起正式对外办公。目前全局共52名干部职工,在开发区内实施国家税务局税收征管职能。截止今年6月底,开发区累计入区
一个工程项目,如按照国际惯例进行招标,因其特有的公平竞争机制,可以发挥积极的作用:规范市场行为、促进技术进步、推进国际间的交流与合作、推动市场经济的快速、健康发展等等。  80年代中后期,随着我国改革开放的深入和市场经济发展的需求,各行各业相继出现了以招标服务为主要内容的中介机构。近二十年的市场洗礼,招标中介也由幼稚逐渐走向成熟。同时,在众多的招标中介机构中大浪淘沙,脱颖而出了一批信誉好、实力强,