生于1976年4月25日,身高6英尺11英寸(折合211公分),体重260磅(折合117.9公斤)。1997年状元身份被圣安东尼奥马刺选中,至今,一直效力于马刺。职业生涯15次入选单周最佳球员,4次入选单月最佳球员。1998年荣膺年度最佳新秀。1999年荣膺总决赛 MVP,当时,马刺4比1击败纽约尼克斯,邓肯戴上职业生涯第一枚总冠军戒指。2003年荣膺总决赛 MVP,当时,马刺4比2击败新泽西网,邓肯以场均24.2分17个篮板5.3次助攻5.3次封盖的技术统计力压群雄。2005年荣膺总决赛 MVP,率领马刺7场恶战击败底特律活塞,邓肯场均20.6分14.1个篮板2.1次助攻2.1次封盖纵横内线。从新秀年1997-98赛季开始至今8个赛季,每一年都入选 NBA 最佳阵容。迄今为止的8个赛季中,6次入选 NBA 最佳防守阵容。荣膺2002年与2003年常规赛 MVP。
Born on April 25, 1976, standing 6 feet 11 inches (equivalent to 211 cm), weighing 260 pounds (117.9 kg equivalent). In 1997 champion status San Antonio Spurs selected, so far, has played for the Spurs. Career 15 times selected the best players of the week, 4 single-month best player selected. 1998 won the rookie of the year. 1999 Finals MVP, when the Spurs beat the New York Knicks 4 to 1, Tim Duncan put on his career the first championship ring. Winning the Finals MVP in 2003, the Spurs beat the New Jersey Nets 4-2, while Duncan beat the pack with technical stats of 24.2 points, 17 rebounds, 5.3 assists and 5.3 blocks per game. 2005 Finals MVP, led the Spurs fierce defeat in seven games against Detroit Pistons, Duncan averaged 20.6 points and 14.1 rebounds and 2.1 assists and 2.1 blocks inside vertical and horizontal blocks. From the rookie year 1997-98 season so far eight seasons, each year selected NBA best team. Six-time NBA All-Defensive Team Last Eight Seasons. Won the 2002 and 2003 regular season MVP.