档案馆指南是档案馆全面报道、宣传馆藏,扩大社会影响的重要工具,借用这种工具,利用者不受时间、地点限制,可随时了解档案情况及利用档案过程中所需的种种信息。一部档案馆指南的编写质量如何,除档案馆指南本身所包含的信息内容外,很大程度上取决于档案馆指南语言词汇的运用。笔者试就档案馆指南编写过程中语言词汇的运用问题谈谈自己粗浅的看法。 (一)合理运用同义词。一般所说的同义词,是指某种语言词汇中意义相同或相近的两个或两个以上的词。档案馆指南是一种文学语言,是一种规范化、加工化的书面语,但它和文学艺术创作所使用的语言不同。档案馆指南受其固有的体例、结构和馆藏档案内容的影响,不可能与文学艺术创作所使用的语言词汇那样有丰富的
The Archives Guide is an important tool for the Archives to report comprehensively, publicize the collections and expand the social impact. With this tool, users can keep informed of the archives and the information they need in the process of using the archives, regardless of time or place. The quality of the compilation of an archive guide, in addition to the information contained in the archive guide itself, depends to a large extent on the use of the language guideline of the guideline of the archive. The author tries to talk about his superficial opinion on the use of language vocabulary in the process of compiling an archive guide. (A) the rational use of synonyms. Generally speaking, synonyms refer to two or more words of the same or similar meaning in a certain language. Archives guideline is a kind of literary language, which is a normalized and processed written language, but it is different from the language used in literary and artistic creation. Due to its inherent style, structure and content of archives, the guide of archives can not be as rich as the language vocabulary used in literary and artistic creation