人非圣贤,孰能无过。顾客在购物过程中,免不了要有这样那样的过失。商家对此类事件处理得是否妥善,直接影响到企业的声誉和信誉。试看下面两例: 例1:欧阳女士带着儿子到某商厦购物,孩子不小心碰了陈列架,把陈列架上的热水瓶碰掉了。欧阳女士见状,一边叱责儿子,一边惊慌地拾起热水瓶,但热水瓶胆已经碎了。这时,一位女营业员走过来,大声喊道:“刘经理,不好啦!不好啦!”从远处很快走来一位中年妇女,不由分说地叱责欧阳女士,口气十分严厉,而且要求她买下摔了的热水瓶。欧阳女士几次想说明理由均遭拒绝。后来欧阳女士提出买一个热水瓶胆作为赔偿,但是刘经理还是坚持要欧阳女士买下热水瓶。无奈,欧阳女士只好按原价把破热水瓶买下。但以后
People can not escape from doing wrong. Customers inevitably have such mistakes in the shopping process. The proper handling of such events by businesses directly affects the reputation and reputation of the company. Take a look at the following two cases: Example 1: Ms. Ouyang took her son to a shopping mall. The child accidentally touched the display rack and knocked off the hot water bottle on the display shelf. When Ms. Ouyang saw this, she scolded her son and panic-strickenly picked up the hot water bottle, but the hot water bottle was broken. At this time, a female salesperson came over and shouted: “Mr. Liu, it’s not good! Not good!” A middle-aged woman who walked quickly from a distance quickly accused Ms. Ouyang of being very harsh. , And asked her to buy a broken thermos. Ms. Ouyang wanted to explain why she was rejected several times. Later, Ms. Ouyang proposed to buy a hot water bottle as compensation, but Manager Liu still insisted that Ms. Ouyang should buy a hot water bottle. Helpless, Ms. Ouyang had to buy the broken thermos at the original price. But later