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落叶松毛虫在阿尔山林区早在80年代就已发生,90年代初期在部分落叶松天然林和人工林内普遍发生,蔓延较快,1992年用马拉硫磷进行飞机防治,效果较为明显,但近两年,该虫又呈上升趋势。为使森林发生最大的生态效益、社会效益和经济效益,除使用生物防治方法对危害森林的昆虫种群进行控制外,黑光灯诱杀就是较理想的物理防治方法。 在从事森防工作实践中,使用黑光灯诱杀落叶松毛虫成虫,往往在一个林班单灯连续作业几天的小班内,翌年松毛虫结茧前,单灯作业区形成一个很规则发黄的圆,这是被当年落叶松毛虫幼虫取食所致。即上年单灯作业区半径50m左右的林分往往成为害虫高发区。 Dendrolimus caterpillars occurred early in the 1980s in the Aershan forest area. In the early 1990s, it was widespread in some larch natural forests and plantations, spreading rapidly. In 1992, malathion was used for plane control and the effect was obvious. However, In the past two years, the worm has shown an upward trend. In order to make the forest have the greatest ecological, social and economic benefits, in addition to the use of biological control methods to forest insect populations control, the black light trap is a more ideal physical control methods. In the practice of forest protection work, the use of black light to trap adults of Dendrolimus caterpillar, often in a forest a single light continuous operation for a few days in small classes, the year after the cocoon cocoon, a single light operating area to form a very regular yellow Round, this is by the year’s pine caterpillar larvae feeding due. That last year single lamp operating area of ​​about 50m radius of the forest often become a high incidence of pests.
浙江省宁波市竹区近年发生一种新的病害,群众称之为“脚病病”、“烂腿病”,发病突然,症状奇特,经南京林业大学鉴别确定为毛竹秆腐病。1 发病调查 毛竹秆腐病仅见当年新竹(笋
One of today’s major challenges is to provide green materials for a cleaner environment.We have conducted studies on carbon dioxide (CO2) adsorption and conver