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申普芙卢戈娃在她近三十万字的回忆录《尘寰中的故我》(Bylajsem na světě)中,非常细腻地描述了她从本世纪初出生到老年的一生的丰富阅历,回忆录中提及了近六百个人,其中大部分为女性。从她外祖母、祖母、母亲、继母、姐姐、女管家一直谈到她的一些女同事;谈她们的身世、遭遇;谈自己的命运。作为知识女性——作家、演员的她,一个自由妇女的代表,她像她在书中描写众多女演员、女作家、女社会活动家一样,非常清楚她们究竟该做什么样的人并以鲜明的自尊去开创她们自己的生活,去实现自身的独立人格和人生价值。自她认识了恰佩克之后,在他影响下步入文坛,并与世界许多著名作家,如萧伯纳、奥尼尔、安德森、亨利希·曼一家以及捷克第一共和国的马萨里克总统一家,都有亲密的交往。她与恰佩克的结合充满了磨难,恰佩克比她大整整十三岁,而且他母亲坚决反对儿子娶茨冈女人和女演员为妻。他俩恋爱了十六年之久才结合在一起,结婚还不到三年,恰佩克就被国内外的法西斯势力迫害致死。这股恶势力还不放过已成了寡妇的奥尔加,使她陷入了绝境。但她重新站了起来,继承丈夫的遗志,积极投身反法西斯主义的斗争。这里摘译的若干段落记录了奥尔加在第二次世界大战中的种种苦难的经历和多次遭受的死亡的袭击:慕尼黑的一帮政客怎样出卖了她的祖国、盖世太保如何险些要了她和她哥哥的命、在伦敦的捷克流亡政府策划的暗杀亨德里希行动怎样引发了震惊世界的“利迪策事件”、她怎样帮助自己的一大批犹太朋友逃出虎口、她的亲友们如何惨死在集中营里、她怎样同效忠德国法西斯的文化寨主——“捷克的达尔朗”斗争、她在“纽伦堡审判”大厅第二排座位上目睹了些什么、她又是怎样迎接那些死里逃生重返人间的人……这些描述是那样惊心动魄、扣人心弦,令读者久久难以忘怀。解放后,她更加信心百倍地投入演出事业中去,她还坚持写作并顽强地与病魔作斗争。一九六八年四月十三日,一个堪称二十世纪伟大女性的生命离开了尘寰。但她如此尽心竭力地为她曾生活过的那个世界变得更美丽而奋斗的精神却与世长存。 In her memoir of nearly three hundred thousand words, “Bylajsem na světě,” Shenpulalugova described her with great exquisite experience of her lifetime from the beginning of this century to her old age. In his memoirs Nearly 600 people, most of whom are women, From her grandmother, grandmother, mother, stepmother, sister, housekeeper has been talking about some of her female colleagues; talk about their life experience, encounter; talk about their own destiny. As a knowledgeable woman - writer and actress, she is a representative of free women. Like her book depicts many actresses, female writers and female social activists, she knows exactly what kind of person they should be and clearly Self-esteem to create their own lives, to achieve their own independent personality and the value of life. Since her acquaintance with Sheikpek, under the influence of he entered the literary world, and with many famous writers in the world, such as Shaw, Shaquille O’Neal, Anderson, Henry · Mann and the first President of the Czech Republic, Masaryk, both Intimate contacts. She was full of suffering with the combination of Cape Peacock, Petik was 13 years older than her, and his mother was firmly opposed to his son married Zi-Zang woman and actress. They fell in love for sixteen years before they were married together in less than three years, and Kopek was persecuted to death by the fascist forces at home and abroad. This evil force has not let go of Olga, who has become a widow, putting her in desperation. However, she stood up again, inheriting her husband’s legacy and actively participating in the anti-fascist struggle. Several passages extracted here document Olga’s experience of suffering in World War II and attacks on many deaths: how a gang of politicians in Munich betrayed her homeland and how Gestapo nearly wanted her How her assassination of the Hendricks planned by the Czech government in exile in London caused her world-ridden “Lipidy Incident,” as she and her brother’s life, helped her a large number of Jewish friends escape the tiger’s mouth, her relatives and friends How did they die in a concentration camp? How did she witness the struggle against allegiance to Germany’s cultural fascists - “Dahlon of the Czech Republic”? She saw something in the second row of seats in the “Nuremberg Trial” hall. How to greet those who escaped to escape the dead ... ... These descriptions are so soul-stirring, exciting, so that readers a long time unforgettable. After the liberation, she was more confidently into the performing career, she also insisted on writing and tenaciously fight the disease. On April 13, 1968, life of a great woman of the twentieth century left the world. But the spirit of her dedication to becoming more beautiful for the world she had lived in has survived the world.
1. 1966 was a year of triumph for the host nation, England. 2. The 9th World Cup was held in Mexico in 1970, during which not a single red card was issued. It w
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