Under the influence of Rawls’s political philosophy, the academic community has a quasi-political interpretation of Kant’s concept of the kingdom of purpose, that is, to understand it as a normative concept of democratic order with the citizen’s interactive legislation of equal moral status, The concept of political legislation that is ethically co-operative. The primary purpose of this philosophy is to promote an effective search for personal self-discipline. The main motivation for this interpretation is to prove the continuing practical significance of Kant’s moral philosophy and to challenge its traditional understanding as a “hollow formalism.” However, Kant’s imperative imperative and the concept of the kingdom of purpose that it contains must all be examined from a substantive practical metaphysical perspective. This metaphysics is irrefutable in theory but is still derived from purely practical reason. Anthropological research horizon. The reason why the politicized interpretation of the academic field studies is that it ignores this practical reality of moral ideas.