Monday, December 20, 1999. Can you remember what you are doing on this day? Maybe you immediately think of yourself receiving a Christmas gift from a distant friend or sadly remembering when you broke up with your boyfriend, but more people Need to open the diary to know what they are doing, the big names are no exception, open “1999 FIFA World Player” Rivaldo’s diary to see how he spent the day. This is Barcelona, Spain, and it is early December 20, 1999. Rivaldo stood by the window and made a simple swivel gymnastics, his gaze a little lost and lost because five more days was Christmas, and his wife, Rose, had taken his two little babies - - His son Rivalidinho and daughter Tamilis go back to his hometown in Brazil. Of course, Rivaldo does not want his family to leave at this moment, but from a good father’s point of view, he also hopes that the children can enjoy the festive atmosphere The thicker hometown of Brazil was happier with Christmas, so he made his happy and cheerful appearance by sending his wife and children onto the plane before moving into the Sofia Princess Hotel, a 200-yard distance from Barcelona’s Campo de la Arena He could no longer afford to stay in his luxurious apartment without the joys of Rose and the children.