1984年洛杉矶奥运会产生了雷顿这位体操皇后. 1985年世界体操锦标赛雷顿没有参加,但人们找到了“新雷顿”,她就是15岁的美国华裔少女马思明.这个身材纤小的姑娘,在蒙特利尔举行的比赛中表现出众,显出具有夺取下届奥运会金牌的潜力. 其实,在1985年6月9日举行的“美国体操冠军赛”中,马思明就以黑马姿态夺取了三块金牌两块银牌,成为获奖牌最多的选手.刹那间,这位身高1.49米、体重39公斤的小女孩,立刻成为全美瞩目的焦点. 奥运金牌,的确是马思明在少女时期唯一的梦.不过,在寻梦的路上,她并不孤独.因为,除了拥有最佳训练环境及自我期待外,还有全力支持她的双亲.
Leonton’s gymnast was born at the Los Angeles Olympic Games in 1984. Leighton did not attend the World Gymnastics Championships in 1985, but people found “New Layton,” a 15-year-old American-Chinese teenage girl named Ma Siming, Montréal outstanding performance in the race, showing the potential to win the gold medal in the next Olympic Games.In fact, in the June 9, 1985 “American Gymnastics Championship”, Ma Siming won the Black Horse stance of three gold medals two silver medals , Became the winner of the most players.At the moment, the height of 1.49 meters, weight 39 kg girl, immediately became the focus of attention throughout the United States.Alympic gold medal, is indeed the only dream of Ma Siming girlhood.However, in the dream She is not alone on the road because, in addition to having the best training environment and self-expectation, she also fully supports her parents.