项目名称:南布列塔尼高等工程师学院项目地点:法国洛里昂建筑面积:5 743m2竞赛时间:2009.06设计时间:2009.10-2010.06建造时间:2010.12-2013.04建成时间:2013.10南布列塔尼高等工程师学院由两个基本的核心构成:大阶梯教室和咖啡厅【1】。在设计竞赛之初,ANMA事务所和造型艺术家大卫·萨尔提(David Saltiel)就开始思考:工程学院不只是一个学习的建筑,应该成为促进师生们生活交流的场所。生活的微观宇宙南布列塔尼高等工程师学院堪称一个微观宇宙,其一体性是通过围绕中心简洁紧凑地布置色彩绚丽的建筑结构实现的,建
Project Name: South Brittany Institute of Advanced Engineers Project Location: Lorient, France Building Area: 5 743m2 Race Time: 2009.06 Design Date: 2009.10-2010.06 Build Date: 2010.12-2013.04 Completion: 2013.10 South Brittany Institute of Advanced Engineering Consists of two basic core: the big ladder classrooms and cafes [1]. At the beginning of the design competition, David Saltiel, an ANMA firm and stylist, began to think: Engineering is more than just a learning building, it should be a place to promote the exchange of life between teachers and students. The microcosmic universe of life The South Brittany Institute of Advanced Engineering is a microcosm whose integration is achieved through the simple and compact arrangement of colorful architectural structures around the center