It is a universal problem. About its diagnostic criteria and protection standards and test specifications, some countries in the world have made, some are making, and our country is also under development. This standard varies from country to country and from state to state in the United States. A country often makes amendments after setting standards. However, national standards authorities are more and more inclined to accept the ISO recommended standards, especially in test technology. In the calculation of deafness, the Fletcher index was used to divide the deafness into mild (26 ~), moderate (41 ~) and severe (56 ~ ), Severity (71 ~), and extreme (91 ~) are almost universally accepted principles. However, the average frequency of occupational noise deafness in the language is usually less than the “heavy” level, and from the perspective of hearing protection, it is important that high-frequency listening area - 3000-6000 hertz band hearing loss, the diagnosis must Emphasis on high-frequency hearing loss