
来源 :工业卫生与职业病 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cloudyliu
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目的通过对视屏显示终端(VDT)作业人员的问卷调查,了解VDT作业人员的骨骼肌肉损伤状况及对其工作能力的影响。方法采用北欧肌肉骨骼疾患标准问卷及工作能力指数(WAI)调查表,通过分层整群随机抽样的方法,抽取VDT作业人员1007人为调查对象。结果女性VDT作业人员的颈肩部与腰背部损伤检出率均高于男性,且腰背部损伤女性与男性比较,差异有统计学意义;工龄≥5a的骨骼肌肉损伤检出率高于<5a组。结论 VDT作业者工龄、颈肩部肌肉损伤、腰背部肌肉损伤是影响工作能力的因素。 Objective To understand the skeletal muscle injury status of VDT operators and their impact on their ability to work through a questionnaire survey of VDT operators. Methods A total of 1007 VDT operatives were selected from the stratified cluster random sampling using the Nordic Musculoskeletal Disease Questionnaire and Workability Index (WAI) questionnaire. Results The detection rate of the neck, shoulder and lower back injuries of female VDT workers were higher than that of men, and the difference was statistically significant between female and male patients with lumbar and back injuries. The detection rate of skeletal muscle injuries with working age ≥5 years was higher than that of <5a group. Conclusions The VDT operator’s working age, neck and shoulder muscle damage, and back and back muscle damage are the factors affecting the working ability.
2019年2月7日,在位于圣安德鲁区的牙买加科技大学农村综合发展科学硕士项目(MIRD)的启动仪式上,工业、商业、农业、与渔业部部长奥德利·肖(Audley Shaw)发表了讲话,他说牙买加政府已经确定了位于克拉伦敦区米切尔镇的2000畝(1亩=666.67m2)土地用于种植蓖麻豆,这一措施将会大大提升牙买加蓖麻油的产量。肖部长还指出,牙买加政府正采取一些有效措施,并加大科技扶持力度,来确保蓖麻豆