1992年三季度在沈阳市召开了全国工业X 射线胶片标准审查和彩色相纸感光度方法论证会。会议由感标委丁培玲秘书长主持,来自全国感光行业生产、使用、科研、监测标准归口单位的32名代表出席了会议。感光化学研究院温荣谦院长、感标委高伟华主任委员,以及化工部化工产品标准审查委员会瞿彩莉同志和轻工部日化工业办公室冀国华同志到会并讲了话。这次会议的主要任务是审查工业 X 射线胶片行业标准送审2稿,论证彩色相纸感光度测定方法。此外,还交流了 CT 胶片行业标准的制定工作。
In the third quarter of 1992, the national industrial X-ray film standard review and the color paper sensitivity method demonstration meeting were held in Shenyang. The meeting was presided over by the Secretary-General of the Standardization Committee Ding Peiling, and 32 representatives from the national photographic production, use, research, and monitoring standards focal points attended the meeting. Professor Wenrong Rong, Director of the Photographic Chemistry Research Institute, and Gao Weihua, Chairman of the Cognition Standardization Committee, and Qi Jucai, the Chemical Products Standards Review Committee of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and Comrade Guo Guohua from the Chemical Industry and Chemical Industry Office of the Ministry of Light Industry attended the meeting and delivered speeches. The main task of the meeting was to review the draft of industrial X-ray film industry standards and to demonstrate the sensitivity of color photographic paper. In addition, the development of CT film industry standards was also communicated.