:1 93 8年冬到 1 94 2年春刘少奇在华中敌后战斗达三年之久 ,他认真贯彻党的六届六中全会精神 ,加强党在华中的领导 ,放手发动群众 ,发展人民武装 ,领导开辟了华中敌后抗日根据地。他认真贯彻党的抗日民族统一战线政策 ,正确处理了统一战线与反磨擦斗争的关系。取得了定远、半塔集战役、黄桥战役的胜利。在处理皖南事变问题上 ,他的正确建议受到中央的采纳。他教育团结了大批各阶层人士参加抗日 ,巩固扩大了抗日民族统一战线。他十分重视党的建设 ,尤其重视党的思想理论教育 ,创办了华中党校 ,出版了党内刊物《真理》
: Liu Shaoqi fought enemy and enemy positions in Central China for three years before his death. He conscientiously implemented the spirit of the party’s sixth Plenary Session of the 6th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, strengthened the party’s leadership in central China, launched the mobilization of the masses and the development of the people’s armed forces and leadership Opened up Central China’s enemy-Japan base. He conscientiously implemented the party’s anti-Japanese national united front policy and correctly handled the relationship between the united front and the anti-friction struggle. Made Dingyuan, half tower battle, Battle of Huangqiao victory. In handling the incident in southern Anhui, his correct proposal was adopted by the Central Government. He educated a large number of people from all walks of life to join the anti-Japanese war and consolidated and expanded the anti-Japanese national united front. He attached great importance to the party’s construction, with particular emphasis on the ideological and theoretical education of the party, founded the party school in central China, and published “Truth”