合理选用和养护农用薄膜,才能真正发挥农膜的使用效益,并延长期使用寿命。 科学选膜。不同种类的植物,对不同波长的光波,有不同的反应,因此选用薄膜应按植物的喜色特性选择。“透明膜”用于山芋等作物的育苗,成本低,透光率高,增温快。“红色膜”适用于育烟苗、棉苗。禾苗生长迅速,根系发达,移栽大田后,株壮高大,叶数多而长。“紫色”膜适用于番茄种植,南瓜和山芋育苗、苗壮、生长快、干物质积累多,“蓝色”膜适用于水稻育
Reasonable selection and conservation of agricultural films, in order to really play the use of plastic sheeting benefits, and extend the useful life. Science film. Different types of plants, different wavelengths of light waves, there is a different response, the selection of the film should be the characteristics of plant color selection. “Transparent film” for potato and other crops nursery, low cost, high light transmittance, warming faster. “Red film” for tobacco seedlings, cotton seedlings. Seedlings grow rapidly, well-developed roots, transplanted field, Zhuang tall, leaf number and long. “Purple” film is suitable for tomato planting, pumpkin and potato breeding, strong seedlings, fast growth, accumulation of dry matter, “blue” film for rice breeding