江苏海安人汪某,为躲开收费站驾驶自己的白色面包车驶入乡道,遇路边住户闻某与表兄在路上卸货,被堵。闻表兄调侃说:“前面来了救护车,咱让一下吧。”闻某接茬:“叫他在车子前面喷个十字再说。”汪某听后不悦,与闻某发生口角,气愤中从车上拿出铁棒击打闻某,致闻某肩膀软组织受伤,治疗花去156元。当地派出所协调不果, 闻某提起诉讼。经法院调解,汪某赔了闻某医疗费、误工费等300元,还承担了100元诉讼费。
Wang Haimin, Jiangsu Haian, drove away from the toll station to drive his own white van country road, roadside households heard a cousin unloader on the road unloading, was blocked. Wen cousin ridicule said: “The front of the ambulance, let’s let’s about it.” Wenmou Rancui: “asked him to spray a cross in front of the car to say.” Wang heard unhappy, with the smell of a corner, angry Iron rod hit the car from the car hit a smell, causing a soft tissue injury to the shoulder, the treatment spent 156 yuan. Local police station coordination failed, Wenmou filed a lawsuit. Mediation by the court, Wang lost a medical expenses, loss of working time fee of 300 yuan, but also bear 100 litigation costs.