1 玉米大斑病各地玉米区均有分布,为玉米主要病害之一,一般减产15%~20%,病害严重地块减产可达50%以上。1.1 病原玉米大斑病病原菌为大斑病长蠕孢菌,属半知菌亚门。1.2 病害的发生发展病原菌以菌丝体在病残体内越冬,成为翌年病害的主要初次侵染来源,带有未腐烂病残体的粪肥及带病种子也可成为初侵染源。分生孢子作为初侵与再侵接种体借气流、风雨传播,主要从寄主表皮直接侵入,也可从气孔侵入致病。病害的发生流行同品种、气候条件和耕作栽培措施有密切关系。玉米感
1 Corn blight around the maize area are distributed, one of the major diseases of corn, the general reduction of 15% to 20%, a serious block yield reduction of up to 50%. Pathogen 1.1 pathogenic corn blight disease is a large spot disease long worm, is a penicillin subfamily. 1.2 The occurrence and development of disease Pathogens to mycelium winter in sick residual body, a major source of infection the next year the main source of infection, with no decay sick manure and diseased seeds can also become a source of primary infection. Conidiospores, as the initial invasion and re-invasion of access by air, wind and rain spread, mainly from the host epidermis directly invaded, but also from stomatal invasion pathogenic. Disease occurrence and prevalence with the species, climatic conditions and farming cultivation measures are closely related. Corn sense