我国首次正式实行初中毕业生升学体育考试 .对湖北省 98届初中毕业生升学考试体育的各项成绩与分数进行了收集整理与统计处理 .结果显示 ,湖北省中学生速度弹跳类素质较好 ,而耐力和力量类素质较差 .并对所得结果进行了评价与分析
The first formal implementation of the junior high school entrance examination for college entrance examination is carried out in our country.All the scores and scores of Hubei province 98 junior high school entrance examination are collected and analyzed.The results show that the quality of speed bounce is good in middle school students in Hubei Province, Endurance and strength of poor quality class, and the results were evaluated and analyzed