Cultivation of English communicative competence

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  1.The definition of communicative competence
  American social linguist, D.Hymes, produces the definition of communication Competence in the beginning of 1960’s. It refers to another American linguist’s idea N.Chomskn’s linguistic competence. D.Hymes thinks, if one can use language to communicate completely, he/she can expresses ideas efficiently in different occasions, with different people, in different ways. It is called communicative competence. We can now summarize four broad domains of skill which make up a person’s communicative competence, and which must be recognized in foreign language teaching. Gou the sake of simplicity, they are here presented only from the speaker’s perspective:
  ⑴The learner must attain as high a degree as possible of linguistic competence. That is, he must develop skill in manipulating the linguistic system, to the point where he can use it spontaneously and flexibly in order to express his intended message.
  ⑵The learner must distinguish between the forms that he has mastered as part of his linguistic competence, and the communicative functions that they perform in order word, items mastered as part a linguistic system must also be understood as part of a communicative system.
  ⑶The learner must develop skills and strategies for using language to communicate meanings as effectively as possible in concrete situations. He must learn to use feedback to judge his success, and if necessary, remedy failure by using different language.
  ⑷The learner must become aware of the social meaning of language forms. For many learners, this may not entail the ability to vary their own speech to suit different social circumstance, but rather the ability to use generally acceptable forms and avoid potentially offensive ones.
  2.Main features of communicative competence
  2.1 Language competence: Refers to the language principle, the ability of distinguishing and making correct sentences.
  2.2 Social language competence: In the real social situation, people have an ability to use English, and to speak. In other words, we should choose ways and attitudes in different time places, scenes and which kind of people you talk with, when you can speak, when you can not speak.
  2.3Information disparity: when people communicate with each other in English, one side knows information and wants to pass it. Another side does not know and want to get it, so there is an information disparity. By communication, people can pass and get information so that they stuff this disparity.   2.4 Communicative competence: language is a information communicate unit that is large and more coherent that sentence. Both sides can appropriately use coherent language in real situation and different scenes.
  3.Cultivation of English communicative competence
  3.1The relationship between communicative competence and language competence correctly
  3.2 Listening and speaking in communicative competence
  Listening, one of the means of language communication, is used most widely in people’s daily lives. About 55% of an adult’s time concerns listening to other people, the radio and the music. In linguistics, giving the students a lot of listening activities is a good way of raise communicative ability.
  3.3 Offer English environment in class
  Classroom is the main place of studying English, class teaching is the main path to obtain knowledge. Teachers create environment which include abundant information. So that students can thought and explore in it. Teachers should understand teaching content and adopt flexible and variable teaching method through all kinds of ways to show.
  4.Data analysis
  4.1 Target students’general impression of the project
  Attitude: Target class compared with controlled one in attitude, clearly, the students of target class satisfied English teaching through their present response. They take an active part in the practice. More then 80% of my students have got the correct attitude. They have known what they really want to learn.
  Interest: According to the students’ response, they have been more interested in all kinds of communicative activities. About 60% of the students have been motivated.
  Volunteer: Before the project of the implementation, there were hardly any volunteers to speak in class. Now about 65%of students will volunteer to join in speaking.
  4.2 Students’improvement in speaking
  At the end to this research, the author gave students, both in the controlled class and the target one, an oral English test and got the result in the following table: comparing with the students of the controlled class, the students of the target class have made some progress in their speaking. Although the number of the top students is almost the same, the number of passers who has been increased by 18.96%, the number of failures has reduced by 20.81%.
  4.3 Students’achievement in the final examination.
  In the final examination, 84.4% of the students in the target class passed the final examination which includes listening test and oral English test. In comparison 67.7% students in the controlled class failed. That is to say, what the author did had good effect on improvement of students’achievement.
【本课的设计意图】  让学生知道并感知生命的价值与意义,肯定生命,尊重。生命,永不放弃生的希望;生命的意义不在于长短,而在于内涵,要回馈社会。  人教版七年级思品上册第三课第三节《让生命之花绽放》在2014版以前,本节的内容编排顺序是:永不放弃生的希望(方法)→肯定生命,尊重生命→(原因)延伸生命的价值(升华)。从思维逻辑上看,编排顺序颠倒了,应该是:先讲生命是有价值的,肯定生命(原因)→再讲如何
“看,九(10)班‘黑帽党’来了。”我迅速回头,四下张望,在校门口涌动的众多人头中搜寻。朦胧中,远处的三顶黑帽被迅速摘掉,塞进了书包。顿时,我明白了。  我装着什么也没看见,若无其事地走进校园,开始一天的工作。我开始留意这三顶“黑帽”:找出家校联系本,查看他们的详细信息,在手机上存储他们的家长电话;找出成绩表,查看他们分班以来的每次成绩,绘制出各科成绩变动图表;静静地观察他们的学习情况、兴趣爱好、
2014年7月7日下午,我们全校教师在学校小礼堂观看了《霍懋征先进事迹报告会》。说实话,这个报告会几年前就曾经观看过,当时也确实受到了极大的震撼!但几年过去,“霍懋征”老师的影响虽说有,但已经不是很大了!这一次,再观看老师的先进事迹,又有了全新的感受,心灵再一次受到洗涤!  “霍懋征”老师是一位普通的小学老师,更是全国著名的教育家,她自称是一个平凡的人,周恩来总理却称她为中国的“国宝”。“没有爱就
一、理解高效  所谓“高效课堂”,就是在教师指导和巧设情景下,学生小组合作交流,积极思考、主动探索,提高兴趣,最终达到高效课堂的良好效果,真正意义上去完成教学目标。在高效课堂上,学生不是被动接受新知,而是积极主动、探索思考的主体,这就需要教师把课堂上更多的时间和空间交给学生。  二、实施高效  (一)课前功夫  1.教师提高自我  数学教师在本学科精益求精的基础上,综合利用其它学科的知识到教学实践