近年来 ,伴随着国际服务贸易的迅速发展 ,东盟五国 (印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国 )的服务贸易也得到了快速的发展。根据它们 1 995年签订的服务贸易自由化纲要性协定 ,从 1 996年 3月起各国正式开始其服务贸易自由化进程。本文在简述了促进东盟五国服务贸易自由化发展的一些国际及国内背景后 ,对各国在金融、电信及船运三个主要服务行业实行自由化的具体措施、发展进程进行了分析 ,最后探讨了这一自由化进程对东盟五国经济的积极及消极影响
In recent years, along with the rapid development of international trade in services, the trade in services of the five ASEAN countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand) has also witnessed rapid development. According to their outline agreement on the liberalization of trade in services signed in 1995, all countries have officially started the process of liberalization of trade in services since March 1996. After briefly introducing some international and domestic backgrounds to promote the liberalization of trade in services between the five ASEAN countries, this paper analyzes the specific measures and progress of the liberalization of the three major service industries in finance, telecommunications and shipping in the world. Finally, Explores the positive and negative impact of this process of liberalization on the economies of the five ASEAN countries