Do you have a problem or some distress you want to chat?Have something to get off your chest?Write to me,your sister“Summer”.Q:我是个初二男生,曾是班上的学习委员。不过我身材瘦长,长得根本不帅。我喜欢上了班上的一个女孩儿,没想到表白后,女孩儿竟转身就走,边走边喊:“难看死了。”“我是不是真的很难看?”我不停地这么问自己。当天回去我就仔细地照镜子,重新审视自己。镜子里的我小眼睛、塌鼻子,越看自己越难看。之后我似乎越来越自卑了,觉得身边每个人长得都比我好看。我想“改头换面”,但没办法。
Do you have a problem or some distress you want to chat?Have something to get off your chest?Write to me,your sister“Summer”. Q: I was a junior boy and was a study member in my class. However, my figure is lanky and I am not handsome at all. I like to go to a girl in the class. I did not expect that the girl would turn around and walk away. She walked and shouted: “It’s ugly.” “Is it really hard to see?” I kept asking myself. . On the day I went back, I carefully looked in the mirror and re-examined myself. My little eyes in the mirror, my nose, and the harder I look at myself. After that, I seemed to feel inferior and I feel that everyone around me looks better than me. I want to change my face, but there is no way.