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《义务教育化学课程标准》指出:义务教育阶段的化学教育,要激发学生学习化学的好奇心,引导学生认识物质世界的规律,形成化学的基本观念;引导学生体验科学探究的过程,启迪学生的科学思维,培养学生的实践能力。我认为,初中化学学习中兴趣培养较知识传授更为重要,只有激发学生学习化学的浓厚兴趣,才更有利于学生日后的学习。化学是一门以实验为基础的学科,在教学中创设以实验为主的科学探究活动,有助于激发学生的学习兴趣。 The standard of compulsory education chemistry curriculum points out: During the compulsory education chemistry education, it is necessary to stimulate students’ curiosity in learning chemistry, guide students to understand the laws of the material world, and form the basic concepts of chemistry; to guide students to experience the process of scientific inquiry and enlighten students Scientific thinking, develop students’ practical ability. In my opinion, it is more important to cultivate interest in junior high school chemistry than to impart knowledge. Only by arousing the students ’strong interest in chemistry can it be more conducive to the students’ future study. Chemistry is an experiment-based discipline. It is an experiment-based science inquiry activity in teaching that helps to stimulate students’ interest in learning.
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