绘画是视觉艺术,但又不局限于视觉。无论作画或赏画,常有多种感觉随视觉一起活动,一般说法是视、听、嗅、味、触五种,还有二种人们不大觉察的感觉,即动觉和空间知觉。这些综合起来可称为“通觉”或“通感”。下边简单谈谈视觉以外的几种感觉在绘画中的作用。 1.听觉。视觉与听觉关系最密切。线条有节奏,色彩有音阶,图形有乐感。牛顿早在二百年前就认为赤橙黄绿青兰紫等同于C、D、E、F、G、A、B七音;康定斯基用大小不同的圆形来“翻译”
Painting is visual art, but not limited to vision. Regardless of painting or viewing, there are often a variety of feelings with the activities of the visual, the general view is the visual, listening, smell, taste, touch five kinds, there are two kinds of people are not aware of the feeling, that is, kinesthetic and spatial perception. These together can be called “feel” or “synaesthesia.” Here to briefly talk about the feeling of several kinds of visual effects in the painting. Auditory Visual and auditory relations most closely. Rhythmic lines, color scales, graphics have fun. As early as two hundred years ago, Newton thought that the yellowish greenish blue violaceum is equivalent to the seven tones of C, D, E, F, G, A and B. Kandinsky used the different sizes of circles to “translate”