枣黑腐病(又名枣褐斑病)是近几年来枣树上出现的一种新病害,在豫北枣区已成为严重影响枣产量和质量的一个主要因素。我们在对该病病原、发病规律进行研究的基础上,1990~1993年于河南濮阳又对环境条件与该病发病程度进行了调查研究。 一、树势与发病关系 于1992——1993年,我们选择立地条件相近、树龄相同而树势不同的枣树、随机调查枣果发病情况。见表1。 由表1可以看出,树势不同,该病发病程度有显著差异。树势弱病果率高且发病早;树势强发病率低且发病晚。
Jujube black rot disease (also known as jujube spot disease) is a new disease appeared in jujube in recent years, jujube region in northern Henan has become a serious impact on jujube yield and quality of a major factor. Based on the study of the pathogens and pathogenesis of the disease, we conducted a survey on the environmental conditions and the incidence of the disease in Puyang, Henan Province from 1990 to 1993. First, the relationship between the tree and the incidence In 1992 - 1993, we choose the site conditions are similar, the same age but different tree jujube, jujube randomly investigated the incidence. See Table 1. As can be seen from Table 1, the tree potential is different, the incidence of the disease have significant differences. Tree weak fruit disease rate is high and the incidence of early; tree strong incidence and incidence of late.