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全国化学试剂信息站撰写的《2012-2013年度中国试剂发展情况调研报告》即将发布。报告根据化学试剂行业的发展轨迹及多年的实践经验,对试剂行业未来的发展趋势做出审慎分析与预测。是化学试剂行业生产企业、科研单位、销售企业、投资企业准确了解行业当前最新发展动态,把握市场机会,做出正确经营决策和明确企业发展方向不可多得的参考。也是业内第一份对化学试剂行业国内外重点企 The 2012-2013 Annual Report on the Development of Reagents in China written by the National Chemical Reagent Information Station will be released soon. According to the report of the development of chemical reagents industry track and years of practical experience in the reagent industry, the future development trend to make a careful analysis and forecast. Is a chemical reagent industry manufacturing enterprises, research institutes, sales companies, investment companies to accurately understand the latest industry developments, grasp the market opportunities, make the right management decisions and clear direction for the development of a rare business reference. It is also the industry’s first major domestic and international chemical reagent industry
一、完全作伪的手法    3.仿。所谓“仿”,不是局限在某一派某一家的一件具体作品上,而是通过对其书画风格特点的熟悉和掌握,了解其创作规律和技法特点,运用自己的理解力和想象力来重新布局,取原作大致形态来完成的作品。  北宋黄伯思的《东观余论》中曾论述过关于“仿”的手法,大意是说,仿者见过真迹,仿其笔墨风格特点,或仿写古人字体,其实就是仿效其特征。由此可见,仿和摹、临不仅是作伪的基本手段,同样也是书