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目的:了解河南省饮水型地方性氟中毒病区现状,为完善防控策略提供科学依据。方法:2018年,在河南省饮水型地方性氟中毒病区抽取10个县(区,简称县),每个县按照轻、中、重病情程度分层抽取3个病区村作为调查点,共30个村。监测每个村改水工程运转情况、水氟含量、8~12岁儿童氟斑牙患病情况。结果:共监测30个病区村,全部为改水村;共监测25个改水工程,均能正常运转,工程水氟超标率为28.00%(7/25),合格率为72.00%(18/25)。其中,21个村改水工程运转正常且水氟含量合格,8~12岁儿童氟斑牙检出率为36.71%(606/1 651),氟斑牙指数为0.74,流行强度为极轻度;9个村改水工程运转正常但水氟含量超标,8~12岁儿童氟斑牙检出率为43.57%(261/599),氟斑牙指数为0.78,流行强度为极轻度;改水工程水氟含量超标村儿童氟斑牙检出率高于改水工程水氟含量合格村(χn 2=8.752,n P < 0.01)。n 结论:河南省改水工程水氟含量超标现象依然严重,氟中毒危害仍然较重。应加强改水工程建设的科学论证和竣工时工程验收,杜绝不合格工程投入使用;坚持定期开展水质监测,对水质超标工程及时进行整改。“,”Objective:To understand the status of drinking water-borne endemic fluorosis in Henan Province, so as to provide scientific basis for improving prevention and control strategies.Methods:Ten counties (districts, referred to as counties) were selected from drinking water-borne endemic fluorosis areas of Henan Province in 2018. Three villages in each project county were selected according to the disease status of mild, moderate and severe conditions, and the operation status of water improvement projects, water fluoride content and dental fluorosis among children aged 8 to 12 years in each diseased village were monitored.Results:Totally 30 villages were surveyed, all of which were in the water improvement projects; a total of 25 water improvement projects were monitored, all of them were in normal operation, and the water fluoride exceeding standard rate was 28.00% (7/25), the qualified rate of water fluoride in the water improvement projects was 72.00% (18/25). Among them, 21 villages were in normal operation and the water fluoride in the water improvement projects met national standard. In which the detection rate of dental fluorosis among children aged 8 to 12 years was 36.71% (606/1 651), the index of dental fluorosis was 0.74, and the epidemic intensity was extremely mild. Water fluoride of water improvement projects in 9 villages exceeded the national standard, where the detection rate of dental fluorosis among children aged 8 to 12 years was 43.57% (261/599), the index of dental fluorosis was 0.78, and the epidemic intensity was extremely mild. The detection rate of dental fluorosis among children in the villages where the water fluoride of water improvement projects exceeded the national standard was higher than that in the villages where the water fluoride of water improvement projects met the national standard (χn 2=8.752, n P < 0.01).n Conclusions:The excessive fluorine content in the water of water improvement projects is still serious, and the epidemic is still severe. It is necessary to strengthen the scientific demonstration of the water improvement project construction and the project acceptance upon completion, so as to prevent unqualified projects from being put into use. We will carry out regular water quality monitoring and promptly rectify projects with water quality exceeding the standards.
目的 构建科学、系统、实用的机动卫勤分队消毒供应模块岗位胜任力评价指标体系,为训练和考评提供参考.方法 结合胜任力特征理论,通过文献分析法和小组访谈法初步拟定机动卫
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目的 分析多发伤并发多器官功能障碍综合征(MODS)患者的临床特点,并观察其危险因素.方法 选取泰州市姜堰中医院重症医学科(intensive care unit,ICU)2015年6月—2019年12月收
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世界卫生组织3月30日在日内瓦正式发布中国-世卫组织新冠病毒溯源联合研究报告。报告认为,新冠病毒“极不可能”通过实验室传人。  今年1月14日至2月10日,17名中方专家和17名外方专家组成联合专家组,分为流行病学、分子溯源、动物与环境三个小组,在武汉开展了为期28天的全球溯源研究中国部分工作,在此基础上撰写了研究报告。联合专家组评估了关于病毒引入人类的四个路径,认为新冠病毒“比较可能至非常可能”
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目的 研究创伤中心远程指导型急救模式在多发创伤合并多器官功能障碍综合征(MODS)患者中的应用价值.方法 选取无锡市急救中心2017年4月—2018年4月创伤中心远程指导型急救模
通过分析1例不典型儿童暴发性心肌炎(fulminant myocarditis,FMC)临床资料结合近年相关文献,探讨儿童FMC的临床特点及早期识别与治疗的方法,有助临床尽早识别和诊断FMC,采取