关注1:放宽非公有制经济市场准入 1.针对长期以来非公有制经济市场准入受到过多限制的现象,提出贯彻 平等准入、公平待遇原则,放宽非公有制经济市场准入。明确提出,允许非公 有资本进入法律法规未禁入的行业和领域。(一) 2.允许非公有制企业进入垄断行业、公用事业和基础设施、社会事业、金 融服务业、国防科技工业这些长期以来非公有制企业难以进入的领域。 (二)-(六) 3.在电力、电信、铁路、民航、石油等行业和领域,进一步引入市场竞争机 制。(二)
Concern 1: Relaxing Market Access for Non-Public Ownership Economy 1. In view of the phenomenon of excessive market access restriction in the non-public ownership economy for a long period of time, it is proposed to implement the principle of equal access and fair treatment and to relax the market access for the non-public ownership economy. Clearly proposed to allow non-public capital into the laws and regulations are not banned in the industry and fields. (I) 2. Allow non-public ownership enterprises to enter the monopoly industries, public utilities and infrastructure, social undertakings, financial services, national defense science and technology industries that have long been inaccessible to non-public enterprises. (2) - (6) 3. Further introduce market competition mechanism in industries and fields such as power, telecommunications, railway, civil aviation and petroleum. (two)